A story for reading in Ukrainian for intermediate learners.
This is a fairy tale about a little squirrel Непосида (Fidget), whose mom was taken from the forest by a cruel hunter. But our main character is called Fidget for a reason! He won't just stay home and accept fate. He will do everything to bring his mom back home: he will run, climb, and even swim and fly to reach his goal! And we will have a great chance to repeat the Verbs of Motion observing his adventures!
About the Book:
- Reading practice for Ukrainian language learners at the intermediate level.
- The story is based on the grammar topic "Ukrainian Verbs of Motion"
- Atmospheric illustrations from the author.
- Vocabulary list with the translation before every chapter.
- Tasks to practice grammar and vocabulary + questions on the plot after every chapter.
- Keys to the tasks to check yourself.
- Tables with verbs of motion, prefixes, and examples in sentences.
- Audiobook, read by a professional voice actress available by the QR-code inside the book.
- This book can be used as an efficient instrument for practicing Ukrainian verbs of motion in the context.
Learn new vocabulary, read the text, do the tasks after each chapter, discuss the story with your teacher or language exchange partner, describe the pictures, listen to the audiobook and improve your listening skills. There are so many activities you can do to master your Ukrainian using the book!
The story includes the verbs of motion without prefixes: іти (йти) - ходити, їхати - їздити, бігти - бігати, плисти - плавати, летіти - літати, повзти - повзати, нести - носити, везти - возити, вести - водити, гнати - гоняти, лізти - лазити and some others; and with prefixes: прийти, піти, побігти, залізти, наздогнати, переплисти, пролетіти, принести, проїхати, etc.
The book is written for adults but could be used for kids and teenagers who learn Ukrainian as well.
Ebook: Ukrainian B1 Reader with Verbs of Motion "Непосида Йде Шукати Матусю"
Ebook format
Audiobook format
Target language
Fairytale | Adventure
Veronika Minchenko